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Huntington Beach City School District

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Superintendent's Message

Leisa WinstonI am honored to be the proud superintendent of the outstanding Huntington Beach City School District.  I look forward to starting this new year working with the HBCSD Board of Trustees in pursuit of educational excellence for all students.

HBCSD is committed to the academic and personal development of every student so that each student becomes a responsible, well-rounded individual who achieves success and fulfillment in a global environment.  Our district is primed to make this commitment a reality.  Thanks to the community support of Measure Q, we have first-rate facilities to provide our students with 21st-century learning environments.  We employ top-notch staff members at every level of the organization in support of high-quality teaching and learning.  With thoughtful planning by the Board of Trustees, we are fortunate to possess a stable fiscal outlook for the foreseeable future.  We accomplish all of this with the support of our families who care deeply about the success of our students and our schools. While the pandemic has created a school year like no other we have experienced, we will continue an unwavering focus on academic achievement and social-emotional wellness for every HBCSD student.

I am honored to serve the students, families, staff, and community of Huntington Beach City School District.  Our team looks forward to working in partnership with you to provide well-rounded experiences for our students.

Leisa Winston, Ed.D.

Contact Us

Leisa Winston, Ed.D., Superintendent | 714-378-2010

Jimmy Lambos, Assistant to Superintendent | 714-378-2011