Even in our beach community of Huntington Beach, there are a few school days out of the year we experience high temperatures. We are aware that our community will continue to be under a heat advisory through Friday.
During these times, the District implements certain procedures to ensure the safety of students and staff and minimize discomfort both inside and outside classrooms. Depending on the temperature and humidity levels, all or some of the following procedures will be used.
Limiting, Minimizing, Postponing or Canceling Physical Activity
Physical activity during class, recess, or physical education may be limited or minimized and replaced with less-physical or quiet activities. Extra-curricular activities (such as athletic practices/contests) may be postponed or canceled.
Modifying Instructional Programs, Subjects, and Activities
Teachers and/or school sites may rearrange subject matter, instructional programs, or activities to the most optimal time of the day.
Alternative Locations for Instruction
Schools may utilize cooler areas on campus that are available for instruction. At times, schools may plan large group activities, combine classrooms, and/or relocate to cooling centers on the campus. Physical education classes may use indoor locations (if available) or shaded areas out of direct sunlight.
Keeping Cool and Hydrated
Teachers and schools will encourage and remind students to stay hydrated by taking extra water breaks and encouraging students to bring water bottles to campus. Bottle-filling stations and water fountains have been cleaned and serviced over the summer, and we will ensure bottled water is also available at each site for students who need it. Students should wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing (within the school’s dress code).
The District is prioritizing the installation of air conditioning at school sites without existing systems over the next two years. District staff will provide an update at the Board of Trustees meeting on September 10, 2024. The report will detail upcoming HVAC projects, including estimated costs, funding sources, and the expected timeline for completion.